Youtube Profile Picture
Profile: Click It!
Style: Vloging
Date Joined: May 14, 2006
Date Shut Down: N/A
Subscribers: 1,600,000+*
Videos: 1,239+*
Schedule: Every Day
Status: Active

Toby's vlog channel, TobyTurner, currently has over 1,600,000* subscribers. He posts daily vlogs here,which he calls LazyVlogs. These are one take daily video blogs that he records on his iPhone, talking about his day, upcoming events, and future plans for his channels. You can win Tobuscus t-shirts from this channel by commenting on a random topic determined by Toby in his videos. The winner is selected at random. Toby constantly receives items from fans and sometimes showcases them in his LazyVlogs. His channel has over 260,000,000+ video views and 25,000,000+ channel views.

Video view rank: 457

Channel view rank: 255

You can mail him via his P.O box here:

Toby Turner


Toby vlogging

12400 Ventura Blvd #276

Studio City, CA 91604
